Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ok, I am convinced!

I just read creepy things about people stealing info and photos of their children on the internet. I have decided to make my blog private. I know, I know, I hate signing in too when I want to look at someones blog, or I feel sheepish asking someone I kind of know if I can see their blog... like an ex-boyfriend's wife, but I have to. If you want to see our blog, than email me your info and I will add you to the list... even if I kind of know you! Kinda is better than not at all! Listen to me, I am talking as though I have a huge group of viewers, silly me! The 10 people who view my blog, give me your info and I will add it to the list: or my other one if you know it.


Kimberly said...

I'm a reader. Please add me. :-)

Celi Valor Nassif said...

I'm a reader too! Add me!

Jocee Bergeson said...

I'm following your lead on going private! Add me:; leave a comment for me if you want to be added to mine too. Hope things are going well!!

Cameron and Rachel Bott said...

Well count me in you know my address!

Nikki, Cody, and Tessa said...

Pick me.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Sarah- I found your blog through BHS blog. I would love to be added to your blog... your girls are ADORABLE!! Ashley Kasteler Cottle

Alisalee said...

sara I would love to see your blog still, I love seeing your cute family and hear all your news. I dont know what you need.

Stacey said...
Please, and thank you.

Anonymous said... I just found this blog btw.

The Coombs' said...

Count me in!