Sunday, December 16, 2007

I have been tagged!!

I am supposed to name 6 things that people don't know about me. So here they are. I hope that you aren't too freaked out by them.

1. I am still scared of the boogie man. I run up the stairs when I turn off the lights for the night, and I have to turn on all the lights when I am walking around the house! Adam and my Mom are the only ones that knew this and they always tease me about it!

2. I love to paint. I am always painting my house, or helping my friends paint theirs. I don't know what it is! I would paint my house once a month if Adam would let me. He of course hates to paint and hates it when I paint!

3. Well some of you might have noticed this, and wonder what is up... When I get new clothes, I wear them almost everyday for like a month or two, and then I never wear them again! It is so quirky.

4. I LOVE to watch Elle go to sleep. I snuggle with her every night so I can watch her wind down. Her mind is so active and she is always busy, I like to see her be calm and peaceful.

5. I sleep with my mouth closed because of that old tale about spiders crawling in your mouth. I know it is ridiculous, but I am in the habit and have been since 5th grade.

6. I LOVE SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!! I have been known to watch Spongebob at night when my kids are in bed. I think that show is hilarious.

Ok I am tagging, Jen Statham, Nikki Treese, my husband Adam, and well, I think that is everyone I know who hasn't been tagged before!


markandaubrey said...

We got your Christmas card today! I can't believe how big your girls are!

Nikki, Cody, and Tessa said...

I got your Christmas card too, I love it as always. I told mom that your Christmas card puts mine to shame. ;) p.s. I also got the little toy you sent Tessa for Christmas, and I got your VM late tonight. But we've been moving, and cleaning everything in sight. Sheesh, I am saying a lot on your blog, I need to just call you already. I'll be calling you tomorrow.