Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Starting Preschool

In mid-October, Elle started her new year of preschool. She was beyond excited to start. Ava was sad to see her go, but now I think she has begun to like her alone time with Mom.


Jocee Bergeson said...

They are so stinkin' cute! Elle looks more like a Phillips to me that Ava ~ both so darling. They are dresses so well, but that doesn't surprise me! :) What the heck is a "westie"? Is it some sort of nanny or maid? Never heard that word. So fun to catch up w/ you Sar.

The Coombs' said...

How cute are they!?? Those are some awesome pictures too. You must have a sweet camera. Anyway, they are sooo cute. Have fun having just one kid in the house every once in a while! Thanks for your comment on my blog!

The Arbuckle's said...

Hey Sarah I saw your blog on the BHS blog. Your kids are adorable I can't believe how big they are.

How do like living on the East Coast? My husband and I live in Connecticut. Don't you just love the fall weather?

It's nice to see what everybody is up to.

Lindsey (Rosser)

Ashleigh said...

Once again your photos are so great! I'm envious of your photography skills, I keep telling myself I want to go take a class sometime! You must have an amazing camera, what kind is it? Pherhaps I could ask for an early Christmas present from Santa. I'd so love to get a dog, but my better senses say- not yet! The Westie is super cute!

Nikki, Cody, and Tessa said...

Sarah. Nice to see you've joined the "official blogging" central. Ellie bug and Ava are so stinkin' cute, I want to see them!